are many changes in the upcoming standard of ISO 9001:2015.The standard
released as of now is DIS and likely to go undergo at least more round of
change. The changes may not be very significant. The first and major change is the Context of Organization.
Let us to understand the requirements.
clause 4 covers : 4 sub clauses :
- Identification of Issues
- Needs and Expectations of interested parties
- Determination of scope
- Quality management processes
entire system is based on the needs, issues, scope and processes. The
information compiled here provides the basis for strategy, performance review
and improvements.
- Identification of Issues: The issues are significant points important to the organization . The points which are related to strategy are required to be identified. The issues are categorized as external, internal based on the control an organization has.
Quality, Delivery.
Product knowledge, patents
team work, Integrity,
Market share, Market size
Features of competitors product
Infrastructure , work environment, Machines
Economical: Pricing, costing
Currency rate , political stability
requirement of the standard is to identify, monitor and review of the issues.
issues are referred in Management review, Risk and opportunities, quality
policy, and top management commitment.
Though there is no specific
requirement of documentation, but the issues can be coupled with risks
identified , and opportunity.. A general introduction, or SWOT addressing issues covering strategy can be good way of representing the issues.
link is as below:
Demonstration of consideration
that risks/ opportunities are identified for the significant issues.
Action plan on risk, opportunities, changes are availavble and reviewed by management.
requirements thus help the organization to get a more mature view.
- Interested parties:The interested parties related to QMS can be: Customer, end user, Regulatory body, and employees, supplier, service provider, management. The expectations for each interested party are different.Here again the needs are referred in the management review as inputs.
The idea is the management decisions
are based on inputs from not only customers , but suppliers too. The impact of this consideration can be more
in on the organizations where end user, customers are different. Suppliers are
- Determination of scope:Though the requirement appears to be same , the details mentioned are with idea that , the processes , products, locations should be clearly defined. The boundary means the activities under control, and responsibility . There is no change in the exclusion with ref to the pervious standard.
- System and processes:The change here is omission of the mention of quality manual, and that matter mention of requirement of documented procedure.However , the in order to prove the requirements related to establish, implement, maintain and improve the process, the organization can chose the way.The preferred way is still to have documents, macro/ micro flowcharts or cross linked matrix of can be an easy way.The new requirements are related to consideration to risk, opportunity, changes, and opportunity for improvement.Hence to summarize:The standard has brought together following aspects in context.prevention as situation or environmentexpectations from stake holders& processesConsideration is that management will have overview of needs, business environment, significant issues and current system.The aim is to have sustainable improvement and this clause now gives complete picture to the management for making decisions, look ahead , current scenario.The organization ideally should document
- introduction in terms of the issues
- Levels of needs from interested parties
- Processes and linkages
- Scope boundaries
- As an auditor , the understanding of context will streamline the audit focus, and will get initial knowledge on maturity of the system in the organization.
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